Drought period

No harvest, no income.  
There is a lack of proper irrigation

Drought period in South East India.

No harvest, no income for smallholder farmers.


South East India

Drought in the surrounding area of the city of Anantapur in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

While other regions of India (Himalayas) experienced flooding during the 2023 monsoon rains, the region around Anantapur in the state of Andhra Pradesh failed to receive any rain. With the result that rain catchment basins for crop irrigation - which were still full in 2022 - have dried up. A disaster for smallholder farmers without micro-irrigation systems. There is nothing to harvest, no income.

Micro irrigation
With the help of micro-irrigation systems, smallholder farmers are able to irrigate their fields and plants despite the extremely dry conditions. The micro-irrigation systems installed in the fields enable farmers to use water more efficiently. Drip irrigation allows them to irrigate specifically and economically, thereby reducing water consumption. This is crucial because water is scarce during drought.

Monitoring the soil of the farmland
In addition, soil monitoring systems are used to monitor soil moisture content and nutritional values. These systems provide farmers with accurate data on the condition of the soil and help them to optimally adjust the irrigation needs of their crops. This allows them to ensure that the scarce water is used effectively and is not wasted.

With these new technologies, smallholder farmers can improve their crop prospects even as the drought continues. Targeted irrigation and data-driven adjustment of irrigation amounts will enable them to keep crops alive and increase crop yields.

Better harvest and higher income
The combination of traditional farming methods and modern technology shows how innovation and adaptability help smallholder farmers adapt to extreme environmental conditions. The hope for a better future for agriculture in this region is strengthened by the use of these advanced methods.

Implementing micro-irrigation and soil monitoring systems not only helps protect crops during times of drought, but also has positive implications for long-term soil health and environmental protection.

Technology in harmony with nature
By managing the fields in an environmentally friendly manner and preserving the humus layer, smallhoolder farmers can not only increase their harvest, but also make an important contribution to reducing climate change. This sustainable farming model is a win for farmers and the environment alike, and shows how technological innovation and environmental awareness can work together to address the challenges of climate change.

Environmental protection and climate change - There is hope
Micro-irrigation systems are a sustainable solution to help farmers in their plight. With this technology they can irrigate their fields even in dry seasons and thus secure their yields. In addition, the use of these systems helps to protect the humus layer in the soil and bind climate-damaging CO2 (carbon dioxide). The humus layer stores 4x as much of the climate-damaging CO2 as the trees in the world and 2x as much as the atmosphere. This upper layer is the largest terrestrial carbon store and is of great importance in stopping climate change.

Your donation makes a difference
Your donation will help procure micro-irrigation systems and soil monitoring systems. These will benefit smallholder farmers and their families.



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in the Global South with your donation.


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