Help that works

Stopping climate change 
 with smart agricultural technology.


The poorest state in India.

Lack of agricultural technology leads to crop failure.


East India

The state of Odisha in eastern India is one of the poorest states in India. Odisha is located in a geographically vulnerable zone and is frequently affected by droughts, which are intensified by climate change. These natural disasters have a devastating impact on agriculture and the livelihoods of the people in the region.

Outdated land use techniques
Outdated land use techniques significantly hinder economic progress and sustainable development in rural areas and lead to low agricultural yields because they are inefficient and limit the yield of crops grown. The outdated irrigation methods waste already scarce water resources.

The non-governmental organization (NGO) Jeevika Trust provides extensive support by building greenhouses. By growing vegetables in the greenhouses, smallholder farmers can farm regardless of the weather. Vegetable cultivation and direct marketing bring better conditions for smallholder farmers. With the help of a new cold storage facility, they have recently had the opportunity to temporarily store their harvest, which otherwise often became unusable due to the weather.

Irrigation systems and soil monitoring
The lack of sufficient financial resources to procure suitable micro-irrigation systems and soil monitoring systems represents a significant hurdle to the introduction of modern agricultural practices in rural areas, especially in poorer regions such as Odisha. These systems can make up for the often lacking agricultural knowledge be balanced. This allows the plants to be watered precisely and fertilized organically. It avoids plant stress, resulting in higher crop yields and a stable income for smallholder farmers.

Environmental protection and climate change - There is hope
Micro-irrigation systems are a sustainable solution to help farmers in their plight. With this technology they can irrigate their fields even in dry seasons and thus secure their yields. In addition, the use of these systems helps to protect the humus layer in the soil and bind climate-damaging CO2 (carbon dioxide). The humus layer stores 4x as much of the climate-damaging CO2 as the trees in the world and 2x as much as the atmosphere. This upper layer is the largest terrestrial carbon store and is of great importance in stopping climate change.

Your donation makes a difference

Your donation will be used to purchase and install drip irrigation systems, soil monitoring systems and farmer training.

SpendenButton_Haende.pngHelp small farmers in East India: Support the introduction of micro-irrigation systems!

Smallholder farmers in eastern India face an existential challenge. Repeated droughts threaten their fields. Without a yield, these families face hunger and economic ruin.

We will regularly inform you about the current status of the project. If you have any questions or need information, we are happy to help you.

It takes a lot of helping hands.
Please support smallhoder farmers
in the Global South with your donation.


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