Equal rights

Strengthening women's rights
with self-employment.


with sustainable tourism

A project for sustainable tourism.


Equal rights for women in India

The non-profit Smart Farming gGmbH promotes the independence of women in India. In doing so, we strengthen the rights of women and girls and promote equality.

Indian traditions regarding marriage still exist in rural areas. The bride's family gives the groom and his family as much dowry (money and gifts) as possible. After marriage, the woman moves in with the man's family. If the dowry is considered inadequate, it may create tension in the woman's life with her in-laws. These tensions can manifest themselves in the form of physical or psychological violence and harassment. Without income and family support, it is difficult to be a woman in India.

Funded project
A project for sustainable tourism is being supported, which is intended to support the surrounding region with regard to equal rights. It promotes self-employment in small and micro-enterprises for women, in accordance with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 8.9.

The temples in the city are a UNESCO World Heritage Site and attract tourists to the city all year round. Overnight stays are offered with an insight into the culture of the city. It is a model for sustainable tourism that extends beyond the Indian state in which it is created and has the following objectives:

  1. Strengthening equality for women and girls. Women who start their own businesses gain greater confidence and influence, which leads to an increase in their rights.
  2. It is a model for sustainable tourism. It contributes to environmental protection and cultural preservation, as called for by the United Nations in SDG 8.9.
  3. Economic independence, education and development: Financial stability through self-employment enables women to further their education and that of their children.

Sustainability of the building
The building will be completed and the necessary resources will be provided to make the homestay a sustainable success in line with the United Nations SDG 8.9 goals. These include, among others:

  • the thermal insulation of the building shell with sustainable building materials,
  • near-surface geothermal energy for resource-saving cooling of the building,
  • a constructed sewage treatment plant to protect groundwater,
  • a solar system to generate energy,
  • a micro-irrigation system with a soil monitoring system for water-saving and sustainable agriculture for the facility's self-sufficiency.

Change lives
2.5% of the profits from the operation of the homestay are provided for women and girls in need in the region:

Together we can change women's lives and help them achieve equality.

Your donation makes a difference
Our fundraising campaign aims to provide funds for a homestay project in India.

You can help create positive change. Please support this important project by donating. Your help is appreciated and will make a lasting difference in the lives of women.

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We will regularly inform you about the current status of the project. If you have any questions or need information, we are happy to help you.


Support the empowerment of women in the Global South!

We firmly believe that empowering women in the Global South is not only a question of justice, but also a key to improving living conditions in these regions. Women play a crucial role in sustainable development. Yet they are often disadvantaged and have limited access to resources, education and financial support.

Our initiative focuses on empowering women and providing them with the opportunities they need to become successful self-employed people.

Share our message:
Awareness of the challenges women face is crucial. Share our message and this link on your social networks to make more people aware of this important issue.

It takes a lot of helping hands.
Click the link to donate
and be part of this inspiring journey.


Smart Farming gGmbH is a registered, non-profit organization
controlled by the German tax authorities.
We are authorized to issue you a donation certificate.